Tag Archives: interlibrary loan

American Gods

was totally worth the interlibrary loan wait.  I won’t be able to bookbinge and just plow through all of Neil Gaiman’s works in a couple of weeks like I’d’ve done in the past due to crappy local library, crappy budgetary factors, and crappy math class I am taking online which messes with my ability to have time for basically anything fun after the kids go to bed, but now I can check out the one other Neil Gaiman book the library does have without worrying about spoilers.  And it was fun to get to read about Mr. Nancy again too.  Aaaaah, books.

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Curses, foiled again.

My plan to read everything by Neil Gaiman has hit a snag.  There was only one book in the library, to which I had not read the preceding book.  If I had no plans of reading the preceding book, this would not have been such a dilemma.  I was having a not very good at talking day and couldn’t bring myself to ask for interlibrary loan either, so as it stands, I either need to buy the preceding book on payday and get on with it or make another attempt at interlibrary loan.  It kind of feels like a bad week for talking though so I sort of want to save all verbal communication for the kids.  I hate having to plan these things.  They are pretty happy though because they are in workbook heaven and have knocked out in some books three weeks worth of work since friday.  (They had to be reassured first that the week/day numbers on the pages were a suggestion and not a rule and that disregarding them would not prevent them from being able to do the work correctly.  I sympathize with this.  I hate pointless instructions like that.)  So between a city they are building on the living room floor and their curriculum stuff (I tried to unschool the official way but my kids actually enjoy and ask for worksheets.  I do not understand it.  But to say no would definitely be un un schooling) they are not listening much to me right now anyway.

I am so relieved.  I sometimes can’t believe my luck as a parent.

But because I have a two book ration at the library, I went ahead and checked out a promising looking mystery which turned out to be awful, and an old favorite: Angels and Insects by A.S. Byatt.  If you haven’t read it, you should.  If you for some reason can’t find time to read it, you  should watch the movie and then read it as soon as you have time. 

I think there needs to be a support group for book addicts who are thwarted by having to talk to people to get things from interlibrary loan.  Naturally, it would be an online support group.

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